My Symptoms

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Re: My Symptoms

Post by dbejeoBette3 »

DrewWapner wrote:Hey everyone, for the past 9 months I've been dealing with many symptoms. They started out very mild with just moderately frequent urination. Every 2-3 hours maybe. I didn't think anything of it at first. But then around September of 2011they got real bad. This seems to all correlate with a new mt bike I had built during the summer. The new saddle was applying pressure on the pudendal nerve and the last time I rode I made a mental note to adjust the saddle before I go out next time.

Two years prior to that summer I had a mt bike accident where my pedal hit a rock and my body flew forward with my pudendal nerve hitting a sharp metal part of the bike (the stem for all you bikers). Urination seemed slightly affected afterwards but nothing alarming. I thought there were going to be major problems and when nothing really happened I figured I got lucky.

But over the past 9 months I've been experiencing burning pain at the tip of my urethra, most days a constant urge to urinate even after I've gone, a tense/inflamed/aching feeling in my penis, burning during urination, no more random erections, no more morning erections, sometimes my penis feels cold, symptoms often worsen after a bowel movement, and for awhile my scrotum was retracted almost constantly especially when I was in pain. I'm usually pain free when I wake up but usually after my first urination the pain begins for the day. I haven't had a normal urge to urinate since this all started. I don't even remember anymore what that feels like. When I wake up I don't have that strong urge to go. I get angry because I'm a young guy who loved mt biking and feel guilty in a sense because I built this bike and if I'd have chosen a different saddle or changed the geometry none of this would be happening. Now I may not ever be able to ride again. School is really difficult now too and I never go out anymore. My urologist was of no help either. Despite me telling him all these symptoms and asking if it could be pudendal issues he was set on prostate issues without even giving it any thought. I've tried a few medications to no avail.

Sorry about making this so long but can anyone lead me in the right direction? Is there any hope, can it eventually go away? Does this even sound like it's PN? There were no doctors listed for my state on this site but a neurologist is what I would want to seek out right?

Thanks a lot
Yeah it does sound a lot like PN.
From what i read in the web, bicyclists can get it. Maybe you traumatized the nerve.
But dont give up hope. There's still something or someway to live. I also have something(not from bicicling) and the urologists checked my prostate and is treating me for that although i feel i could also have other stuff related to PN going on.

Things just happen, don't be so harsh on yourself. Some people get car crashes even though they're good people.
I'm sure we can find some way to heal ourselves. and find some relief.

But don't give up. keep seeking help. And i've been panicking alot and stuf but people tell me that's not good and that we should find out ways to reduce stress and accept what we are now.

I also dn't have the Strong Urge to go when i wake up in the morning. It's interesting. And i'm in my early 30s. We're suffering from similar stuff. I have many of the symptos you have in terms of Urination problems.
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Re: My Symptoms

Post by DrewWapner »

Hey dbejeo, I agree with your philosophy of keeping a sound mind, but I tend to be more active about these things rather than passive. This is the sixth illness I've acquired up to this point in my life and it's frustrating and I've learned along the way how "helpful" doctors are. Believe me, if you put all your trust in your doctor you're going to be very disappointed. Only one of those six illnesses was cured through surgery and even then the surgery caused me another problem that I still have.

The worst thing about this issue, though, is the erectile issues. It's just devastating to a man because the sex drive dies too, so in essence a part of who you are dies. It's not easy to deal with. This along with the other illnesses I've mentioned just leaves me very bitter when I'm supposed to be in the prime of my life.

But I do respect your philosophy. If you can maintain it it's a very good way to go about things. I just wouldn't put too much trust into your doctor or you're going to be in for a rude awakening.
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Re: My Symptoms

Post by TriMaverick »

DrewWapner wrote:Thanks Maverick, He happens to be in my network and right near me too. I'm thinking if anything he may know a good doctor to refer me to. I wonder if I should just give up on this urologist I have now. It's been 4 months and we've gotten nowhere. He's too concerned with treating by symptoms rather than testing to find a cause first. I know the pudendal artery can be tested for any damage, it's just a matter of finding a doctor who's willing or qualified to do it. At least I could rule it out if it turns out alright because right now I don't know whether it's the nerve or the artery.
Hopefully Ben will be the right direction. It sounds like this urologist should be discontinued. There are some urologists who are experienced with cyclists as this site indicates. In general I think their major importance is in ruling out major pathology such as cancer, thrombosis, etc. and treatment therein. I don't think urology residencies have rotations focused on athletes, sidelined or otherwise.
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Violet M
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Re: My Symptoms

Post by Violet M »

DrewWapner wrote: also, seeing how erections have been difficult I suppose there's a possibility of my case being artey-related rather than the pudendal nerve. What would be the difference in symptoms if that were the case?
It might be difficult to tell the difference. It's my understanding that the nerves contol dilation and constriction of the blood vessels so a nerve that is misbehaving can affect blood flow. Also, nerves and blood vessels typically run side by side so if one is constricted often the other is too.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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