What evidence do you have for this statement?HerMajesty wrote:Surgery is a cure for a small minority of individuals. So far Celeste you are the only individual I have run into, who has been cured by surgery. The general statement made about surgical results is: post-surgery, 1/3 are worse, 1/3 are the same, and 1/3 improve. Of those that improve, a minority have a 100% improvement. You are rare indeed.
I would argue there is far more science behind surgery than say trigger point treatment. For instance there is no diagnositc criteria for a trigger point. You just have to trust your therapist when they say they have found one. From my own experience the diagnostic criteria for a trigger point seemed to be whether it hurt or not when someone pressed it. The therapist would press a sore spot, I would jump and then the therapist would tell me that it was a trigger point.
The farcical aspect is confirmed when the PT asks you how you are afterwards. When you say you are worse they will often say that's a good sign , when you tell them you are better the treatment is clearly working. It seems to be a win, win treatment for them. I persevered with it for ages, combined it with meditation and saw some of the supposed best PTs. I met a lot of other patients and I am yet to hear of a success story with it. I think people that recover with PT are rare indeed. I agree it can bring short term relief but in my case it would last a few hours if that. I expect massage is probably just as good. Someone who has a trapped nerve in their back will fell better after a massage but it cannot cure them.
I am not denying that there are tight bands in muscles but is it not concerning that trigger point treatment was developed by Travel and Simons in the 1970's and yet even today there is no universally agreed diagnostic criteria for a trigger point? The science behind PT treatment for pelvic pain appears to be alarmingly weak.
In my view PT myofascial treatment for pelvic pain is a case of the emperors new clothes. Judging by this thread its good to see more and more people have the courage to say that the emperor is naked.