Research Project For Unusual Diseases - Survery

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Research Project For Unusual Diseases - Survery

Post by nyt »

Due to the nature and reach of our group here I thought individuals on this forum might find completing this survery by Oxbridge Roundtable Solutions (ORS) a way to help the biotech industry understand our disease. This is the sort of research/surveys that will bring better medical treatments, first-hand experience in dealing with PN and its impact on the patients’ and their families' lives will undoubtedly give an invaluable contribution to this study, which will ultimately benefit the patients. Please note that this survey is anonymous, voluntary and confidential. They do not ask for and will not collect any personal details of patients (such as name, address or any contact details). There is a place on the survery when asked your diagnosis that you can type in Pudendal Neuralgia.

Oxbridge Roundtable Solutions (ORS) is currently undertaking research to understand how patients suffering from rare diseases are diagnosed and treated. (ORS) is the consulting branch of the Oxbridge Biotech Roundtable (OBR), and are based in London, this is a not- for- profit organization of academic researchers and professionals in the Biotechnology industry. This project will genuinely contribute in guiding a drug-developer in identifying unmet needs in the orphan drug market, which they have the capacity to address.

This research examines both patient groups and patients. And they are deeply interested in hearing from people who are affected as well as their caretakers or close relatives. Therefore, they prepared a short online questionnaire (less than 10 minutes) that can be found at the following address:
2/07 LAVH and TOT 7/07 TOT right side removed 9/07 IL, IH and GN neuropathy 11/07 PN - Dr. Howard
6/08 Obturator neuralgia - Dr. Conway 11/08 Disability, piriformis syndrome - Dr. Howard
4/09 Bilateral obturator decompression surgery, BLL RSD - Dr. Howard
9/10 Removed left side TOT, botox, re-evaluate obturator nerve - Dr. Hibner
2/11 LFCN and saphenous neuralgia - Dr. Dellon 2/11 MRI with Dr. Potter - confirmed entrapment
5/11 Right side TG - Dr. Hibner 2012 Left side TG - Dr. Hibner
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