Intro for new MN patient diagnosed with PN

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Re: Intro for new MN patient diagnosed with PN

Post by Lernica »

Hi Ritak,

I too have problems with my obturators and I've been told that it's because they are stabilizing my bad hips. I was recently diagnosed as having femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and labral tears in both hips. I'm waiting for surgery to address this. Apparently this condition is common in dancers and runners. Have you had an MRI of your hips to check out this possibility?
Athlete until pain started in 2001. Diagnosed with PN in Nov. 2010. Probable cause: 3 difficult labors, 5 pelvic surgeries for endometriosis, and undiagnosed hip injuries. 60% better after 3 rounds of shockwave therapy in Cornwall, Ontario (Dec - Feb/12). 99% better after bilateral hip scopes for FAI and labral tears (April and July/12). Pelvic pain life coach Lorraine Faendrich helped me overcome the mind/body connection to chronic pain:
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Re: Intro for new MN patient diagnosed with PN

Post by ritak »

Hey Lernica,
Yes I have had an MRI of my hip/pelvis area, and yes on my left hip the hip surgeon diagnosed my as having an impingement.No appparent tears showed up on the MRI and as of right now I am not a candidate for any surgery which is good! I would think that any MRI would hae showed tears but I know at the time they were not looking for anything like that.I am working with 2 PT specialists and a massgae therapist. I would love it if I could decrease the use of my pain meds but progress is slow. I am making headway just not as fast as I would like it too.
perineal pain started may 2011
continue to take Tramadol daily, Vicodin as needed
Dr Antolak diagnosed PN in Jan 2012, not sure about his diagnosis
recomendations he gave me were injections....which I decided not to do
currently seeing Dr Chad Beiler for chiropractic treatment. all of my many practitioners have diagnosed me with pelvic instability, a rotated right leg and pelvis,femoralacetabular impingement left hip,muscle spasm in obturatur internus muscle
about 70% better
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Re: Intro for new MN patient diagnosed with PN

Post by REV800X »

Welcome Mel,

I too had a similar experience with Antolak. I feel he had diagnosed me before I even saw him. I had 8 sets of PN injections with no success. He stated that this makes me an excellent candidate for surgery...... I currently am seeing an excellent pelvic PT sepcialist in Duluth (Tanner PT) and have had great success. Antolak does not appear to believe in PT at all. I am struggling with a second opinion too as it appears no place in MN will evalluate this condition or atleast review the diagnosis.

Hang in there - that is what I am telling myself.
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Re: Intro for new MN patient diagnosed with PN

Post by konedog4 »

As a resident of MN, I would like to hear more about your PT experience in Duluth. You are right in that there are no other PN "specialists" in MN. I called the Mayo Clinic and they said they do not treat this condition and referred me to Dr. Antolak. I have not gotten any better from the injections either. I too am seeking options other than surgery.

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