Really worried I have PN

Many physical activites such as sports, pelvic surgery, etc can all contribute to PN
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Really worried I have PN

Post by PaulD »

Hi All.. just found this site as I've been driving myself mad trying to find some advise regarding my symptoms.

Really good to find you guy's..

I'm a 33 year old male that developed a pain that I thought was in my left testicle about 3 months ago.
Started off every now and then but is now constant when sitting and is also in my perineum now.
I also have strange sensation in my lower abdomen on the same side.

I had a disectomy on my lower back 4 years ago on the opposite side. but seem to have recovered well from that and was back to an active lifestyle

I seem to have the 3 classic symptoms.. pain when sitting,no pain on the toilet and relief when laying down.

Symptoms I dont have are no pain in penis , no pain going to the toilet no pain in or near anus.

I've been backwards and forwards to the doctors had ultra sound and courses of antibiotics and the pain is not shifting.

I stay fit and healthy and was cycling up until this happened and I'm worried this might have caused it..

Does anybody know of any exercises or stretches that might help...

Many Thanks P
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Re: Really worried I have PN

Post by janetm2 »

I would not wish this on anyone and hope it is not so for you to have PN or PNE but if so you are in agood place for info. Please stop cycling if you have not already done so. You may want to check out the home page and find a PT to help figure out what is going on and help you and the will give you exercises and stretches. I am not sire what to recommend or how to describe but you can find some more info in the faqs off the home page and search in the right top corner of the forum for stretches and exercises as I know something is in here. Also do not do things that hurt like bend, squat, etc. Take Care and hang on help is on the way. Trigger points is another thing to search about that could help.
2007-08 pelvic muscles spasms treated by EGS. 6/27/10 sat too long on hard chair- spasms, EGS not work Botox help, cortisone shots in coccyx help, still pain, PT found PNE & sent me to Dr Marvel nerve blocks & MRN, TG left surgery 5/9/11. I have chronic bunion pain surgery at age 21. TG gave me back enough sitting to keep my job & join in some social activities. I wish the best to everyone! 2019 luck with orthotics from pedorthist & great PT allowing me to get off oxycodone.
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Re: Really worried I have PN

Post by beverley »

I would try and find a Physical Therapist who specializes in this ASAP and get some internal work done. There is no down side to this (i dont think?). Make sure they know what they are doing.

Be very careful Stretching -- some stretches make the symptoms worse -- not better. All forward bends - hip flexion should be avoided (according to my Physical Therapist) -- lunges and squats are hip flexion. Even some of the stretches in Amy Stein's Book and the Wise book have stretches that make my symptoms worse.

Good Luck.
prolonged sitting summer -- Vulvar Burning, Vulvadynia, Urinary Frequency, Lower Back Pain, Numbness in Foot, Pain when sitting, Hip Pain
1/12 90% Better after Pelvic Floor PT and 10 mg of Elavil
3/12 Potter MRI
4/12 MRI showed Labral Tears in both hips
4/12 Hip Injection with Dr Jordon -- some improvement
7/12 FAI and Labral repair Hip Surgery, Dr Coleman, HSS, 10/12-3/13 99% better!
3/13 Flared - present,
7/14 Ilioinguinal nerve block positive
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