Lernica wrote: Dr. Andrews found a "trigger point" on my pelvic floor which, when pressed, referred severe pain into my lower left abdomen. But Dr. A. doesn't do trigger point injections.
Did he say what muscle exactly has the trigger point? Levator Ani? The Levator Ani is made up of three muscles: pubococcygeous, iliococcygeous, and puborectalis. I like Amy Stein's picture of the female pelvic floor found here
http://tinyurl.com/7xjyrwm She also explains which muscles are innervated by what nerves. Since the pain is referred to the lower left abdomen it makes me wonder about the psoas muscle. But I'm not quite sure which pelvic floor muscle would refer pain there.
Lernica wrote:So a lidocaine/bupivacaine trigger point injection is only diagnostic (for short term relief, typically only hours), whereas a botox injection is therapeutic (lasting weeks, in order to allow PT)? And I gather that the first course of action would be to inject the lidocaine to see if the trigger point is the true source of pain?
Yes, I've had both trigger point injections which bupivacaine and botox. The bupivicaine lasts only a couple of hours. My doctors does them before PT to help if a person cannot tolerate PT. I flared with both types of injections and am significantly worse post-botox. It will forever be a mystery to me. Good pelvic floor PT might help the trigger point more than injections in my opinoin. If you just can't tolerate the PT then try a trigger point injection with bupivicane. This trigger point however could be related to your labral hip tear though, you think?