Hi miraandmolly,
FYI I got your PM and will answer but as I want to do it thoroughly am putting it off til later today. I got TP injections, but of vitamin B-12 not of steroid as my practitioner believed this to be less likely to cause a negative / irritative reaction than a steroid.
Trigger point injection positives: I don't regret it as they did provide some minor temporary relief and were really simple and almost painless, just a little sting. Factor in however that my insurance paid for them and if it had been out of pocket, I don't think it would have been worth it.
Trigger point injection negatives: It is really the same thing as trigger point massage, except that it can pinpoint difficult-to-massage areas such as internal trigger points. The end result is the same, which is in my experience any relief is mild and will be temporary as the underlying cause of the trigger points has not been removed. I see trigger points as a symptom, not a cause; you can work on them and they keep coming back until the underlying cause is found and removed. Meanwhile chasing trigger points might help your quality of life (or might not), but you will have to keep at it which is time consuming.
Also I do recommend something else aside from steroid be injected (or just have the trigger point dry-needled). I have heard from several practitioners that steroids have been known to cause the opposite of the reaction desired; then experienced it myself when I had my piriformis muscles injected with steroid (not trigger points, the whole muscle), which put me into a mild pudendal flair with the added bonus of some brand new sciatica.
PM ya later

pelvic pain started 1985 age 14 interstitial cystitis. Refused medical care from age 17, did GREAT with self care for years.
2004 PN started gradually, disabled by 2009. Underlying cause SIJD & Tarlov cysts
improved with PT & meds: neurontin, valium, nortriptyline, propanolol. (off nortriptyline & propanolol now, yay!)
Tarlov cyst surgery with Dr. Frank Feigenbaum March 20, 2012.
Results have been excellent so far; but I won't know my final functional level for a couple of years.