Sexual Dysfunction board

Many physical activites such as sports, pelvic surgery, etc can all contribute to PN
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Re: Sexual health board

Post by calluna »

Sexually transmitted diseases aka sexual health - I hadn't heard that this was associated with PN problems at all. Can anyone comment?
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Re: Sexual Dysfunction board

Post by calluna »

Ah sexual dysfunction, different thing entirely. I think that most of us have this to some degree or other, it is a very common symptom.

I'd say that this topic comes under Causes and Effects of PN - it is definitely a major effect. There is already an active thread on PGAD, but I haven't noticed a thread about ED yet.
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Re: Sexual Dysfunction board

Post by Mod4 »


I am moving your thread into the causes and effects of PN section so that we can try to gather similar topics in one area.
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Re: Sexual Dysfunction board

Post by Liz »

I am a female with vaginal pain with intercourse since pelvic surgery in 2007. I'm looking for a nerologist who understands this in Los Angeles. I keep getting referrals to gynecologists who just shrug their shoulders. Any ideas?
Hysterectomy in 2007 followed by vestibular vaginitis, (pain at the opening of the vagina) sensitive to pressure. Extreme knife-like pain with sex. Searching for help.
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Re: Sexual Dysfunction board

Post by donstore »

Dr. Sheldon Jordan in Santa Monica.
Mild to moderate PN for 5 plus years, pain controlled by lyrica and opiates.
Nerve block (unguided) 9/10 Dr. Jerome Weiss - sciatica for 5 months but got numb in painful perineal/scrotal area - he diagnosed entrapment - but no more cortisone for me
Potter MRI 5/11 - rt STL entrapment of PN at Alcocks
Consult with Dr. Hibner Feb. 2012
Bilateral inguinal hernias diagnosed by dynamic ultrasound - surgery on 6/20/13
Feeling a little better, a few more months will tell
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