Nerve pain after stitches.....

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Nerve pain after stitches.....

Post by boatbird »

Hi there, just hoping to find someone who knows what I'm going thru really!

I had a bad 2nd degree tear while giving birth to my wee man back in March (he had both his hands under his chin so wasn't tucked in nicely) and had to have stitches- and I'm still in pain 9+ months down the line!

I noticed it more or less straight away but was told I was still healing- so I took it to the doctors at 8 weeks post birth then again at 12 weeks before finally getting a referral back to the specialist (I have endometriosis too- not related but can explain my high tolerance to pain!) He asked me to wait another couple of months as I was still bruised and tender- which I did but went to see him again 6 months after having my wee man.

I explained that the pain hasn't gone away- its a constant burning niggle almost= with sharp stabbing electric type pains if I do certain things (or if I sit or stand for too long)- I also get pain if I try to kneel to do up my shoelaces (quite thankful I can touch the floor easily with both hands, saves bending knees sometimes!) and it can be really uncomfy getting up and down from the floor (really useful with a cruising baby!) and my favourite, um, naughty times positions are totally off-limits- and I can't ever see myself getting on the exercise bike to shift the baby weight!

The doctor said he can operate- but I don't think he's taking the nerve pain seriously! From the sounds of it, he thinks it all a bit tight down there so will have a 'tidy up' but reckons I'm only about 60% certain of getting any pain relief from the op (plus all the extra healing etc) He's never heard of any other treatments for it- saying that local anaesthetic creams won't do anything good- he said he'd tried them on himself (!) and didn't notice much.....

Any ideas on what I can do? Anyone in a similar position? Anyone know how to get it confirmed as to whats wrong without having to spend a fortune trying to get down to London (I'm in Scotland!) to see a specialist....

thank you xx
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Re: Nerve pain after stitches.....

Post by JeanieC »

Welcome to the forum, Boatbird, but sorry you are still in pain from your childbirth tear.

The pain you are describing does indeed sound like it is nerve related and could be from the pudendal nerve. I would say that you should begin to take the self care measures recommended on the home pages of this site. Sit as little as possible and only when using a specially designed cushion, such as the one from ICN network which is relatively cheap, or you can make your own using the suggestions on the site. The main point of the cushions is to relieve pressure on the perineal area. Also, I would say that bending from the waist is not a good idea as this will stretch the nerve if it is entrapped, causing more damage. It's generally considered better to bend from the knees, especially when picking up heavy objects, or in your case, heavy baby boys!

Since your doctor thinks you are tight in the vaginal area, you could have been sewn up too tight or your muscles could have tightened. Childbirth stretches the muscles out a lot, so I do not think that tight muscles are your problem. I did not understand what the doctor meant about "tidying up". I also think he should have offered you the anesthetic ointment to try out as well as prescribing something for nerve pain.

Unfortunately, we have not heard of PN specialists in Scotland, but I have read on the forum that there is now a group in Manchester, as well as Bristol and London. There are several patients of those groups on the forum. You will see their names if you study the UK section of the forum, and they will be able to help you navigate the system for getting an NHS referral. Meanwhile you could ask your GP about pain clinics in your nearest city.

A man from Scotland named Lenny (not sure of spelling) was on the forum not too long ago, but I do not know how he is doing currently. You can search his posts and maybe he can help.

Good luck, and keep us posted on how you are,
Diagnosed with left side PN by Dr Renney, March 2010, after over 2 years of searching for help
Left TG Surgery, Dr Ansell, August 2010, failed to relieve pain
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Re: Nerve pain after stitches.....

Post by calluna »

Hello BB and welcome! (I too am in the UK, we live in the West Country. Do you live on a boat? - we have a narrowboat.)

I would echo everything that Jeanie says. If this is PN related, then lifestyle changes are important. Do you get increased pain when you sit? If so, then you really need to avoid sitting - except with a cushion that means you can sit without pain.

If your doctor thinks that the pain might be neuropathic ( from a nerve ) then there are specific medications that will help with this, ordinary pain meds don't do a thing for neuropathic pain. Maybe you might get some help from one of these meds? You'll find the NICE guidelines for the treatment of neuropathic pain here by the way, maybe this will be useful to you. Many of us have found amitriptyline (or nortriptyline) to be helpful, in my own case I found Lyrica/pregabalin to be most effective.

Local anaesthetic creams can be useful for PGAD but don't usually give any real help with neuropathic pain.

One other thing that occurs to me, there is also a Fact Sheet handout for medical professionals that you can download from this site, you'll find it here. Again, maybe you'll find this useful.

Please keep posting and let us know how you get on!
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Re: Nerve pain after stitches.....

Post by boatbird »

I don't see how I can spend more time standing- I am on my feet at work- today was 11 hours stood up, mostly tho its 7 hours... I need to sit down! I have varicose and thread veins too, they are suffering with me being on my feet but there's no way I can keep my feet up or anything with a cruising-along-furniture baby!

I used to live on a boat :) I lived on a converted Steam Pinnace that was built in 1912, she was moored in Pafos Harbour, in Cyprus!

I'll be going back to my GP in the New Year, so thanks for the links for information, will have to print some out and show to him and see what they say- will have to argue the point tho I guess as I am pretty sure the pain was caused by the obstetrician who stitched me as I certainly didn't have it or any hints of it before!!!
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Re: Nerve pain after stitches.....

Post by pn_person »

boatbird wrote:Hi there, just hoping to find someone who knows what I'm going thru really!

I had a bad 2nd degree tear while giving birth to my wee man back in March (he had both his hands under his chin so wasn't tucked in nicely) and had to have stitches- and I'm still in pain 9+ months down the line!

I noticed it more or less straight away but was told I was still healing- so I took it to the doctors at 8 weeks post birth then again at 12 weeks before finally getting a referral back to the specialist (I have endometriosis too- not related but can explain my high tolerance to pain!) He asked me to wait another couple of months as I was still bruised and tender- which I did but went to see him again 6 months after having my wee man.

I explained that the pain hasn't gone away- its a constant burning niggle almost= with sharp stabbing electric type pains if I do certain things (or if I sit or stand for too long)- I also get pain if I try to kneel to do up my shoelaces (quite thankful I can touch the floor easily with both hands, saves bending knees sometimes!) and it can be really uncomfy getting up and down from the floor (really useful with a cruising baby!) and my favourite, um, naughty times positions are totally off-limits- and I can't ever see myself getting on the exercise bike to shift the baby weight!

The doctor said he can operate- but I don't think he's taking the nerve pain seriously! From the sounds of it, he thinks it all a bit tight down there so will have a 'tidy up' but reckons I'm only about 60% certain of getting any pain relief from the op (plus all the extra healing etc) He's never heard of any other treatments for it- saying that local anaesthetic creams won't do anything good- he said he'd tried them on himself (!) and didn't notice much.....

Any ideas on what I can do? Anyone in a similar position? Anyone know how to get it confirmed as to whats wrong without having to spend a fortune trying to get down to London (I'm in Scotland!) to see a specialist....

thank you xx

lived with it for 9+ months, can only say one thing from reading a lot on this forum and elsewhere

TRY some medical treatments prior to having more means more scarring, etc..nothing to lose by going the conservative route first

good luck
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Re: Nerve pain after stitches.....

Post by calluna »

Good morning bb

I take your point about needing to rest/sit down! - but the fact that you get increased pain with sitting is a big indicator for PN. Have you tried any of the special cushions that are intended to help with this? That might be something to consider.

With regard to pain relief, leaving pain to run unchecked for a long time is not good, it is possible for the pain gate to get 'stuck'. So it might be a good idea to consider asking your GP for some help here.
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Re: Nerve pain after stitches.....

Post by Violet M »

Boatbird, I have found extra-strength vagisil topical ointment to be helpful with burning neuropathic pain but only surface pain, not deep pain. Ice is also very helpful.

You might want to check out the list of manual therapists on Maeve Whelan's website. ... pists.html
There are several from Scotland who could at least give you an evaluation to see if they can help you figure out what you are dealing with. I was diagnosed by a physical therapist who seemed to have a better understanding of the pelvic floor than the docs did.
PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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