
Discuss different Pain Management Options; Medication options including side effects and Worldwide variances in names etc.
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Post by lightmail »

I have had a flare up of my pne , does the use of an anti inflamatory like prednisone make any since. after all isn't this all about inflamation of the pudendal nerve anyway.. Take 60 mg 3 days 50 3 days 40 3 days and so on?...Just asking. Robert
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Re: prednisone

Post by pn_person »

lightmail wrote:I have had a flare up of my pne , does the use of an anti inflamatory like prednisone make any since. after all isn't this all about inflamation of the pudendal nerve anyway.. Take 60 mg 3 days 50 3 days 40 3 days and so on?...Just asking. Robert
yes, a course of prednisone, usually given as you described does make sense. Afterall, that is what is used in an injection, not including the anesthetic which is usually also included

the bioavailability of the pills vs the injection will be MUCH less and systemic rather than targeted, so it is likely not to be as effective, but hey, might as well give it a try..side effects of a course of prednisone should be nothing..just get off aspirin type drugs ahead of time as the risk of bleeding is increased

let us know if you try it, and if you get any benefit from it
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Re: prednisone

Post by ezer »

I had 2 courses of Prednisone. It made absolutely no difference.
2002 PN pain started following a fall on a wet marble floor
2004 Headache in the pelvis clinic. Diagnosed with PNE by Drs. Jerome Weiss, Stephen Mann, and Rodney Anderson
2004-2007 PT, Botox, diagnosed with PNE by Dr. Sheldon Jordan
2010 MRN and 3T MRI showing PNE. Diagnosed with PNE by Dr. Aaron Filler. 2 failed PNE surgeries.
2011-2012 Horrific PN pain.
2013 Experimented with various Mind-body modalities
3/2014 Significantly better
11/2014 Cured. No pain whatsoever since
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