Help from Dr Greenslade

Treatment options for UK & Irish members; including VHI & HSE criteria for funding and E112 Applications etc.
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Re: Help from Dr Greenslade

Post by calluna »

Thankyou, I hope so too!

It was a very painful examination, I understand it was necessary though. I have a suspicion that the place that was pressed on the left was the pudendal nerve against the ischial spine. The right side was uncomfortable and painful but the left side - well.

I'm told it won't be long til surgery now - 'a few weeks' was mentioned - as I've waited so long already. I have a bit of a flare now.
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helenlegs 11
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Re: Help from Dr Greenslade

Post by helenlegs 11 »

Goodness, can understand the flare. . . very good news at how quick it looks like the surgery will be. He obviously realises the length of time you have suffered and how much. Hope this is the last one ever needed! x
Fall 2008. Misdiagnosed with lumber spine problem. MRN June 2010 indicated pudendal entrapment at Alcocks canal. Diagnosed with complex variant piriformis syndrome with sciatic, pudendal and gluteal entrapment's by Dr Filler 2010.Guided piriformis botox injection 2011 Bristol. 2013, Nerve conduction test positive; new spinal MRI scan negative, so diagnosed for the 4th time with pelvic nerve entrapment, now recognised as Sciatic, pudendal, PFCN and cluneal nerves at piriformis level.
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Violet M
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Re: Help from Dr Greenslade

Post by Violet M »

Calluna, you have waited so patiently for this. I hope finally you will have the answer for healing and I wish you the best with your surgery. I know you will keep us updated. ;)
PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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