bilatrol p.n. block

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little mo
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:09 pm

Re: bilatrol p.n. block

Post by little mo »

Hello Calluna
again, sorry in a late reply.
I did read how everyone understands but I still a need to apologise.
Yep the biggest dissapointment to date having that procedure fail and all that pain!! I am booked to have hypergastric plexus block!!

I have an additional problem and not sure if this should be the case, I am unable to speak with gp about pain relief only because I am told they can't over ride what pain management prescribe, I understand that but I don't get an answer back from pain management after writing asking to be seen.
Then I thought why should I be writing? It's not that I'm lazy or can't write, but there must be that person "out there"
Maybe this might change with the new gp I haven't put that to him yet. The reason why I have written this now is because I have waited over one week for a reply to an email I sent.
I would have written in the conventional way but after phoning his secretary she advised me to email so that I did.
There must be some people who wouldn't be able to use email, these things worry me but I don't suppose others would worry, most people would only care bout themselves aye?
Thank you for your care and concern
little mo
Posts: 1058
Joined: Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:57 pm

Re: bilatrol p.n. block

Post by calluna »

About the additional problem that you are not sure about - if it were me, I would go to my GP first, and just ask the question. If you do need to ask the pain clinic, then the GP will tell you. And if you want to ask about this problem on here, there may be someone who can help, you never know.

If you have written to your Pain Management clinic asking for an appointment, and you haven't heard back from them, then I think a phone call might be in order just to check that they have received your letter. My experience with emailing doctors is limited, but I have found that it is best to be brief and to the point, and if you have a specific question it is best to state it very clearly.

I do hope that the hypogastric plexus block helps you!
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