Hi Abmia22 - Who are you directing this statement to? I agree 25 years old is a very difficult age to be going through this, but please don't give up hope. Personally, I don't think there's ANY age that's better equipped to deal with this. Were you aware we have a small child suffering from this condition (please see "MOMS" posts - Journey of a Child)? There IS a chance to have a normal life again. It won't come easy, but it is possible.abmia22 wrote:Its not so bad for you. How about living with PN as a 25 year old who will probably never get to have a family or a wife now because of the penile pain. At least you got to live your life somewhat. Not that im downplaying your case, but I just woke up one day and this pain appeared out of nowhere, what I would give to have a chance for a normal life again...
Wishing the best for you,