pelvic prolapse

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Re: pelvic prolapse

Post by sam »

Thanks Calluna and Violet. Your posts were very informative. I am planning to go on atleast with the rectal prolapse surgery if not the rest. The reason I was given for hysterectomy is that the weight of the uterus may lead to a recurrence of the prolapse. I really apprecially your effort to all of us in distress and pain and I will definitely keep you posted about my surgery.
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Re: pelvic prolapse

Post by sam »

I had been to another surgeon and gastro for a second opinion and they say I dont have a prolapse and if I do surgery it will only aggravate my situation , they say I have anismus, so again I am back to zero suffering from constipation, bloating pudendal pain with no solution, I dont know how to solve my problem.
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Re: pelvic prolapse

Post by calluna »

In that case, I think I would look for a third opinion. A good gyn, when looking for a prolapse, will want to examine you standing up if the prolapse is not apparent whilst you are lying down. With regard to a hyst being a good idea to prevent a recurrence of prolapse, there are strongly held opinions on both sides here. Hard to decide, I know. I think you just have to pick a surgeon in whom you have confidence.

And in the meantime - please please please do something about that constipation as a matter of urgency! This absolutely must be your first priority. If it is left too long, it can do real damage to the bowel. It has become clear over recent weeks that this has happened to me, unfortunately.

With regard to the pudendal pain, if it has been identified as neuropathic then you need to get on some appropriate medications and maybe start some alternative treatments as well. There are many things that can help - lots of info on the HOPE website.

Please don't be discouraged, the road to getting better is rarely an easy one, and we are here for you.
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Re: pelvic prolapse

Post by sam »

Thanks Calluna, my gastro gave me Pregabalin 75mg and I took it yesterday and felt a little better today than normal. He also told me to do a colonoscopy to rule out bowel ulcers since I have occassional bleeding also and balloon manometry. He said he will then advise me about biofeedback, I have tried it already sometime back for a few sessions but was not of much help. I have no solution for my constipation since no laxatives or stoolsofteners work for me, just apprehensive of what will happen. Do you still have problems of constipation or was it resolved fully after surgery? I am very grateful for your reply, this forum really amazes me, all of them are so helpful though they themselves are suffering from pain, thanks a lot
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Re: pelvic prolapse

Post by calluna »

I know I've had a lot of help and support myself from this forum, if we can pass it on then that's a good thing, I think. :)

Colonoscopy, yup been there several times. (Balloon manometry I don't know anything about.) Actually I was really worried about the last colonoscopy because I had the PN pain then and I thought it would hurt a lot, it turned out that the procedure was not painful at all - a little uncomfortable at times, but no more than that. I needn't have worried. There was more discomfort from the prep procedure, but then you know about that already I expect. And you won't be constipated after that, either! ;) (Actually, regular enemas are an alternative method of dealing with difficult constipation - but your doctor will advise you.) In my case they did the colonoscopy and a CT scan because they wanted to rule out anything else which might be causing my pain, other than PN. It was good to know that everything was as it should be, apart from I had developed diverticula whilst the bowel was so over-stretched.

Pregabalin sounds like a good idea, I know that lots of people have had good pain relief with this. I haven't tried it yet, it is next on the list if I do go back to trying meds again. Really good that it is starting to help you already! I hope it continues to improve.

I no longer have problems with constipation, the prolapse was the reason that my bowel could not work properly, and once the prolapse was sorted out, the bowel returned to normal functioning. However I did develop diverticula as I said, and I am now having some issues with diverticulitis. My GP is looking after me, though, and I have plenty of help and support. And antibiotics, sigh.... :roll:
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Re: pelvic prolapse

Post by sam »

Thanks Calluna, just wanted to ask you, how do you know if you are constipated, because my xray shows no constipation, but I know for sure I am not emptying properly and this has been going on for months, may be it is a stupid question, my stomach is so bloated and gassy but my GP feels I am not constipated.
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Re: pelvic prolapse

Post by calluna »

I did not know I was constipated until I had an xray.

It was extremely difficult for me to have the bowel open and I was aware that it was not emptying properly, but I had thought with the number of times I was needing to go to the bathroom things must be ok. Well actually it had not really occurred to me that things might not be ok, I had never in my life suffered from constipation and it did not really cross my mind. Call me stupid eh! :roll:

I was also having a lot of bloating and abdominal pain, I looked like I was pregnant. Finally the bowel stopped completely, no movement at all not even gas. I went to my GP who thought I had a gut obstruction and sent me in to A&E with a letter.

When I got there, they took an xray. The xray showed that the bowel was backed up, very very backed up in fact, at first I could not believe it and I thought they must have got the wrong file, but it was right. That was why the bowel had stopped. The doctor at the hospital did not believe me at first, that I had been going to the bathroom 3 or 4 times a day right up til the day before. But once he realised that I had a prolapse and was waiting for surgery then the whole attitude changed.

If your xray shows that you are not constipated then that's a bit difficult to argue with! I wonder why the bloating and gas? What does your GP think?
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Re: pelvic prolapse

Post by sam »

I have taken 3 xrays in a span of 3 months and I also showed it to my surgeon and he says if I look at this, it looks like you have not eaten anything and everything is clean, but then my abdomen looks so bloated, like pregnant and I also have flatulence and I am not able to pass stools, this is so strange, may be it goes back again to small intestine or colonic inertia, I know not what, my case is so complicated and I have been to many doctors and basically I know I am constipated because this was not the way I used to be, may be my bowel will stop completely after sometime like yours, but I am really scared because of the nerve pain and added to that the pelvic prolapse, I really dont know what I am heading towards. Thanks a lot Calluna for the reply.
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Re: pelvic prolapse

Post by calluna »

Oh dear, difficult situation isn't it. Well at least when you have the colonoscopy you will know the bowel is clear at that point!

Have you decided what you are going to do with regard to the prolapse? There's been one doctor saying you have prolapse and one saying you haven't, yes? My situation was straightforward compared to yours, I think.

How is it going with the Pregabalin?
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Re: pelvic prolapse

Post by sam »

Calluna thank you so much for the reply. I am lucky to have found some really good hearted people through this forum.My medicine pregabalin helps, but still this pain is very debilitating. I really cant take more pain from surgery, anyway there is no option incase my prolapse worsens,this disease has progressed so fast that it is now spreading to the other parts as well, as it is I have to sleep on multiple pillows due to my back ache and I have sharp sacral pain, it takes great effort even to do the daily chores. I think it is different with each person, for some it is a slow process. I just live day by day. I dont know when I am going to breakdown fully.
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