6-Day Intensive Treatment Protocol for Refractory Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome Using Myofascial Release and Paradoxical Relaxation Training
http://www.jurology.com/article/S0022-5 ... 6/abstract
The conclusion is that 82% of subjects reported improvement (59% marked to moderate, 23% slight). So far so good but what the abstract does not say but is reported incidentally in a video covering the Wise study on the Doctor's Channel is that people in average have improved from a pain of a 4/10 to a 3/10 in 6 months. The video reports that the improvement is sustained after 2 years (23 months to be exact). In other words the Wise Anderson protocol improved those people by only 1 point on the VAS pain scale and subsequently there was no more improvement.Purpose
Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome continues to elude conventional therapy. Evidence supports the concept that phenotypes of pelvic muscular tenderness and psychosocial distress respond to myofascial trigger point release and specific relaxation training. This case series reports long-term outcomes of a 6-day intensive combination of such therapies in refractory cases.
http://www.thedoctorschannel.com/video/ ... specialty=
Pain being the main source of complaint for people like us, 1 point of median pain improvement is extremely disappointing but it sadly matches what so many of us have experienced. The Wise Anderson protocol is a time consuming pain management but it does not "heal" you and certainly does not make you asymptomatic (pain free). Also worth noting is that the study retained 116 people out of 200.Median pain score measured with a visual analog scale decreased from 4 (out of 10) to 3 at follow-up, urinary domain scores decreased from 10.5 (out of 28) to 6, and sexual health domain scores decreased from 5 (out of 20) to 3 (P < 0.001 for all; higher scores represent greater severity.)
Improvements were sustained in patients with a long-term follow-up of 23 months.