Search found 22 matches
- Sun Aug 27, 2023 10:45 am
- Topic: New here from Germany and have cured my PGAD/PN
- Replies: 15
- Views: 5961
Re: New here from Germany and have cured my PGAD/PN
Yes, I think it was caused by several things at once: The big myoma, which pressed on the nerve I was on hormon replacement therapy and stopped it suddenly I was on anti-depressants and stopped them suddenly I got into menopause So there were a LOT of reasons to get PGAD and that made it very compli...
- Sun Aug 27, 2023 10:36 am
- Topic: Vorstellung
- Replies: 15
- Views: 14912
Re: Vorstellung
Ich war auch in Herne zum Pudendusblock. Nachts darauf wurden die Schmerzen pulsierend und stark, ich denke also, der Nerv war der Auslöser. Bei mir haben Duloxetin und Pregabalin geholfen, Wärme und B-Vitamine und Keltican forte. Ich glaube, wir müssen mehr bedenken, dass der Pudendus Nerv ein Nerv...
- Sat Aug 26, 2023 12:43 pm
- Topic: New here from Germany and have cured my PGAD/PN
- Replies: 15
- Views: 5961
Re: New here from Germany and have cured my PGAD/PN
Push it to say that I am symptom free for years now,
only use Duloxetin anymore, because it helps a lot with my depression.
No other medication or treatment anymore.
There is HOPE! Do research and stay in faith.
only use Duloxetin anymore, because it helps a lot with my depression.
No other medication or treatment anymore.
There is HOPE! Do research and stay in faith.
- Sat Aug 26, 2023 12:40 pm
- Topic: seit 4 Jahren Brennschmerzen....Leiden .nichts hilft
- Replies: 9
- Views: 6534
Re: seit 4 Jahren Brennschmerzen....Leiden .nichts hilft
Was kurzfristig gehofen hat, breitbeinig auf der Toilette sitzen, dann hat man in der Mitte keinen Druck.
- Sat Aug 26, 2023 12:39 pm
- Topic: seit 4 Jahren Brennschmerzen....Leiden .nichts hilft
- Replies: 9
- Views: 6534
Re: seit 4 Jahren Brennschmerzen....Leiden .nichts hilft
PS: Die ursprüngliche Ursache war eine vergrößerte Gebärmutter (1 kg) mit Myom, die hat wohl auf einen Nerv gedrückt. Frauenärztin nicht entdeckt auf Ultraschall, erst im Krankenhaus beim Professor mit hochmodernem Gerät. Wurde natürlich entfernt.
- Sat Aug 26, 2023 12:36 pm
- Topic: seit 4 Jahren Brennschmerzen....Leiden .nichts hilft
- Replies: 9
- Views: 6534
Re: seit 4 Jahren Brennschmerzen....Leiden .nichts hilft
Hast du mal Pregabalin und Duloxetin versucht? Hat bei mir geholfen. Und ich habe mir mit eine Wärmedecke in klein geholfen. Mit dem Rücken draufgelegt und dann zwischen die Beine geschoben, Beine geschlossen. Hatte auch brennende Schmerzen, als wenn ich mich in Chilisauce gesetzt hätte.. Heute symp...
- Tue Nov 19, 2019 9:16 am
- Topic: New here from Germany and have cured my PGAD/PN
- Replies: 15
- Views: 5961
Re: New here from Germany and have cured my PGAD/PN
I try to explain it in my bad english, maybe you google also the german words, so that you understand me correctly. Uterus was removed (in German Gebärmutterentfernung), also both tubes (in German Eileiter) were removed. But my Cervic (in German Gebärmutterhals) was NOT removed. The uterus was remov...
- Thu Nov 14, 2019 7:39 pm
- Topic: New here from Germany and have cured my PGAD/PN
- Replies: 15
- Views: 5961
Re: New here from Germany and have cured my PGAD/PN
I have also found another possible cause for the / my PGAD:
My uterus was very big and had a very big myoma in it, so it pressed possibly on some/one nerve.
My uterus was very big and had a very big myoma in it, so it pressed possibly on some/one nerve.
- Thu Nov 14, 2019 7:38 pm
- Topic: New here from Germany and have cured my PGAD/PN
- Replies: 15
- Views: 5961
Re: New here from Germany and have cured my PGAD/PN
Hello Mary Jane
I think you are writing the "dm" Drogeriemarkt, I love it also and buy a lot of cosmetics there.
Yes the healthcare is open for everyone, that is a good thing.
I think you are writing the "dm" Drogeriemarkt, I love it also and buy a lot of cosmetics there.
Yes the healthcare is open for everyone, that is a good thing.
- Wed Nov 13, 2019 10:52 am
- Topic: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder
- Replies: 890
- Views: 366862
Re: PGAD - persistent genital arousal disorder
I - for example - had also a HUGE myoma in the back of my uterus, which can press on the sacral nerves.
Only the third doctor found it, because it was hidden in the back.
I - for example - had also a HUGE myoma in the back of my uterus, which can press on the sacral nerves.
Only the third doctor found it, because it was hidden in the back.