Search found 19 matches
- Tue May 14, 2013 2:06 pm
- Forum: SURGERY
- Topic: How long did it take before you knew the outcome?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 4359
Re: How long did it take before you knew the outcome?
Bad week now, regressed at least 3 weeks! It seems to be the thing with PNE, more false dawns than sun rises :0(
- Fri May 10, 2013 9:25 pm
- Forum: SURGERY
- Topic: How long did it take before you knew the outcome?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 4359
Re: How long did it take before you knew the outcome?
One month post surgery and three weeks post operation to remove abscess: -using less Tramadol (maybe 1 a day) but relying on my TENS a lot. - rectal pain cyclical and reduced in nature and severity. - walking 3-4 miles a day + trying to work out a little. Finding I do get tired easily though. - able...
- Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:02 pm
- Forum: UK & IRELAND
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3440
I had big problems with his "Sec". "Pain is good Sean, pain is goo"!!!! I found Dr G OK apart from paralysing my leg during the nerve block but definitely inaccurate information from his Sec.
- Thu Apr 25, 2013 5:01 pm
- Forum: SURGERY
- Topic: Pudendal Nerve Decompression Surgery - post surgery recovery
- Replies: 139
- Views: 39799
Re: Pudendal Nerve Decompression Surgery - post surgery reco
Thanks Janet I really think its worth a go. I read somewhere that it has a success rate of 5%, but hey whatever it is if it works it works!!!!! I'm 2 weeks post decompression surgery today and 4 days post emergency abscess surgery. The good news is that my wife having looked into gaping hole in my b...
- Wed Apr 24, 2013 12:25 pm
- Forum: SURGERY
- Topic: Pudendal Nerve Decompression Surgery - post surgery recovery
- Replies: 139
- Views: 39799
Re: Pudendal Nerve Decompression Surgery - post surgery reco
Blimey I'm never off this site! There's a saying in the UK "All mouth and no trousers" and I hold that crown! I admit attempting to go to the gym was a disaster. I couldn't sit on the hand wheel machine. The pad (which feels like a nappy) covering my open abscess wound presses on the injur...
- Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:05 am
- Forum: SURGERY
- Topic: Pudendal Nerve Decompression Surgery - post surgery recovery
- Replies: 139
- Views: 39799
Re: Pudendal Nerve Decompression Surgery - post surgery reco
Thank you Janet. I'm really interested in acupuncture - do you self administer? I'm really surprised that PNE is regarded as a rare condition when so many of us have the condition. Having been admitted to a general hospital for my abscess surgery, when you mention its a result of a PNE condition and...
- Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:05 pm
- Forum: SURGERY
- Topic: Pudendal Nerve Decompression Surgery - post surgery recovery
- Replies: 139
- Views: 39799
Re: Pudendal Nerve Decompression Surgery - post surgery reco
And yes limit those car journeys. However, I have become very adept and the one buttock lift
- Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:03 pm
- Forum: SURGERY
- Topic: Pudendal Nerve Decompression Surgery - post surgery recovery
- Replies: 139
- Views: 39799
Re: Pudendal Nerve Decompression Surgery - post surgery reco
Here's the link for the cushion: I understand the term "going to the gym" brings on all sorts of connotations. Howe...
- Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:20 pm
- Forum: SURGERY
- Topic: Pudendal Nerve Decompression Surgery - post surgery recovery
- Replies: 139
- Views: 39799
Re: Pudendal Nerve Decompression Surgery - post surgery reco
Folks can I recommend a spinal cushion to all fellow suffers recovering from surgery. I bought mine of eBay for £30 and it makes car journeys far smoother.
- Tue Apr 23, 2013 1:21 pm
- Forum: SURGERY
- Topic: Pudendal Nerve Decompression Surgery - post surgery recovery
- Replies: 139
- Views: 39799
Re: Pudendal Nerve Decompression Surgery - post surgery reco
Thanks Molly and again wise words. It's true that PNE seems to hit those of us that led fit and active lives. I'm trying now to work around the problem. Tomorrow I have my 1st remedial gym session. Where beforehand it would be the X-trainer, for cardiovascular work I'm going to use the hand cycle. T...