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- Mon Aug 03, 2015 8:26 pm
- Topic: Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal pain?
- Replies: 404
- Views: 171504
Re: Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal p
I haven't been on here in a while but I thought I would post an update. I am two years post FAI/CAM surgery on my right hip. After initially getting better I got worse when I resumed physical activity (way too soon but with my surgeon's blessing and with inadequate PT). Maybe if i had received bette...
- Tue Feb 03, 2015 1:43 am
- Topic: Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal pain?
- Replies: 404
- Views: 171504
Re: Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal p
Antonia: vaginal valium is GREAT. i think it works better than anything else. there are no side effects. is your pain management doc familiar with pelvic pain -- if so they should be able to prescribe valium -- it is nothing like steroids. and, you may just be having general sensitization and need t...
- Wed Aug 13, 2014 3:49 pm
- Topic: Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal pain?
- Replies: 404
- Views: 171504
Re: Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal p
I go to dr harris who is dr coadys partner (even though she retired). I agree with you that their referrals are not that great and I don't use them for that. I went to dr greg lutz who is a physiatist at HSS who knows nothing about pelvic pain but he did the epidural and I really liked him. I go to ...
- Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:31 am
- Topic: Risk of Steroid Epidural Injections
- Replies: 16
- Views: 6290
Re: Risk of Steroid Epidural Injections
I had an epidural at L5/S1and it significantly reduced my radicular pain (pain radiating down my leg) and has helped improve my pelvic pain (which is coming from my spine). I did it at HSS in NYC and had a great experience. I think some of the bad press is from Doctors who don't know what they are d...
- Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:25 am
- Topic: Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal pain?
- Replies: 404
- Views: 171504
Re: Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal p
I just want to write a quick update. I had a ilioinguinal nerve block/injection in my abdomen both for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes -- the block was positive in that it blocked my "hip" and pelvic pain for about 12 hours. Seven days later the hip pain is significantly reduced by the...
- Mon May 05, 2014 12:41 am
- Topic: Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal pain?
- Replies: 404
- Views: 171504
Re: Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal p
Dr Drew is an idiot. Anyway, My ilioinguinal neuralgia was probably caused by lumbar compression of the nerve, which may have also been made worse by my destabilized hip (due to labral tear/FAI). But my main pain was in the front of my hip and I thought it was from the FAI and labral tear but it was...
- Mon May 05, 2014 12:27 am
- Topic: Risk of Steroid Epidural Injections
- Replies: 16
- Views: 6290
Re: Risk of Steroid Epidural Injections
Thanks, I actually think I am going to do it. I am going to HSS to one of the top physiatrists and I am not worried. I know people who this has helped. I think a lot of the negative press is from doctors who don't know what they are doing.
- Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:45 am
- Topic: Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal pain?
- Replies: 404
- Views: 171504
Re: Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal p
Antonia: you go girl! I had a very well know PT -- Stacey Futterman -- who was on the study that showed pelvic pain can be associated with hip pathology - tell me to just relax and not to be so angry/. this was when my symptoms came back six months after hip surgery. she also kept insisting that all...
- Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:18 pm
- Topic: Epidural Injection? yes or no
- Replies: 0
- Views: 761
Epidural Injection? yes or no
Has anyone had success with an epidural injection? I know that there is some very scary side effects but I have to imagine that some of them work or doctors wouldn't keep doing them. I am having chronic lower back pain and have compressed nerves in my back. I also have ilioinguinal neuralgia and was...
- Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:41 pm
- Topic: Risk of Steroid Epidural Injections
- Replies: 16
- Views: 6290
Re: Risk of Steroid Epidural Injections
What is the consensus here? Has this ever helped anyone? I have nerve compression in my spine and nothing has worked so far to help it (pt, etc). I was considering doing this procedure as I feel I have run out of options.